Why Women Suffer more Migraines Than Men Health Tips Health Disorder

Why Women Suffer more Migraines Than Men Health Tips Health Disorder

Why Women Suffer more Migraines Than Men Health Tips Health Disorder
Why Women Suffer more Migraines Than Men Health Tips Health Disorder
Half headache is also known as migraine in English and it is also known by the same name. In fact, the English name for migraine is derived from the Greek term hemaggrenia, which means half the scalp. Where a person can tolerate a general headache, the migraine is very severe and sometimes makes the affected person very weak. No definitive cause of the disease has yet emerged, nor is there a cure.

Women are more affected

A detailed survey of migraine was recently conducted in 195 countries around the world, stating that the disease is more common in women. In general, the disease affects one in five women, compared to one in 15 men.
The causes of the disease are more common in women than in men, but a 2018 study of males and females at the University of Arizona found that it may be due to lower levels of estrogen levels and lower levels of the sodium proton changer NHE1. There may be a connection between. Researchers explain that women are more likely to suffer from migraines because large fluctuations in sex hormones cause changes in NHE1.
Lack of research
Despite being a major global medical problem, unfortunately little research has been done on migraine and less funding has been allocated. Migraine is funded far less than any other neurological disease in Europe. Despite the fact that 15% of Americans suffer from migraines, only 22 million was paid for research in 2017. Surprisingly, despite being one of the oldest diseases recorded in history, a cure for migraine has yet to be discovered. The famous Greek physician Hippocrates also wrote about this disease.
Migraine experts in the 19th century believed that it belonged to poor mothers, whose minds were weakened by daily activities, lack of sleep, frequent breastfeeding and malnutrition.
In the 20th century, a new theory emerged, according to which migraine was considered the result of modern luxury, something that affects upper class men and women. People raised in this environment were thought to have delicate nerves. Women were said to be less capable of acting wisely, which immediately put their delicate nervous system under severe stress.

Recent research on migraine

Research has shown that there is a link between headaches and mental illness. It has been concluded that migraine is actually caused by various psychological disorders. A 2016 study found a positive link between migraine and bipolar disorder, with people with migraine having a 2.5 times higher risk of developing general anxiety disorder, while migraine sufferers with depression. The probability was three times higher.
According to another study, one in six people suffering from migraines had seriously considered suicide at some point in their lives. Esme Fuller Thompson, director of the Institute for Life Courses and Aging at the University of Toronto, who has also researched the link between migraine and suicide, says: It's not surprising how this will affect employment and family responsibilities, which can lead to more stress.

Migraine treatment?

Because migraine is a common disease, it is important that doctors specialize in it, but unfortunately the ground realities are different. "Not Tonight: Migraine and the Politics of Gender and Health" states that "headache is the most common but the least read symptom in neurology patients." It's like you train an electrician but don't talk about electric bulbs. "
Although no definitive cure for migraine has yet been discovered, the US Food and Drug Administration approved a drug in May 2018 that could have an effect on the CGRP receptor. The brain's receptors, or sensory cells, cause migraine attacks, and this proposed drug will block these cells.
People currently use common painkillers, angina and high blood pressure medications for migraines, but it is expected that in the future people will have access to specific migraine medications.

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